Friday, February 13, 2015


Please ignore the title, it is irrelevant.

Accomplished this week:
  • progress on the solidworks robot

I am still very, very worried because at the time of writing this post, we have not finished. I am also frustrated. We have been working so hard, but are chugging along at a snail's pace! What in the world?! In what kind of logic-defying world have we been thrown?? Forgive me for the drama, it's Friday and I am weary of school already...

One of the pieces we will be using in the final assembly

Monday, February 9, 2015

Semana Nova

Our biggest goal for the moment:
  • Finish Squarebot!

We're working towards this goal as fast as possible. Our skills with SolidWorks are limited, and I think our lagging behind isn't due to lazing off, but that we haven't built up speed in using SolidWorks. It isn't easy to work when you're sick either, as is my case. This week we are once again tentatively hopeful...

Screenshot of the SolidWorks website, which we might need to look back on for tips